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welcome to our studio

At island pilates & wellness studio, we believe that a healthy body leads to a happier life.

We are committed to helping our clients achieve their wellness goals through Pilates and other physical  modalities. Our experienced instructors and practitioners are dedicated to providing personalized instruction and creating a supportive and welcoming environment for all. 


​We specialize in small group classes and private training sessions in Pilates Reformer, Springboard, Tower, Stability Chair, Arcs/Barrels, Ped-O-Pull, OOV, Mat, and Small Apparatus, as well as Barre, Yoga, Stretch, Strength, Cardio, HIIT, Bang!Bang!, BOSU, Bodhi Suspension, TRX, MELT Method, Somatic Practices, Sports-Specific Training, and Dance/Movement classes.

We also offer Massage and Nutritional Counseling.​


We look forward to working with you!




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CHERYL                                 ALSTON

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HANNAH                                        KELLY

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